Flower Bouquet

Create your own flowers and sunglasses themed bouquet, explore the metaverse with your friend bouquets and sunglasses. Communicate with you friends and emote your hearts away!

Arrows/WASD to move, M to emote


Miikka Harjuntausta - Code/Design

Neo Aarnikotka - Art/Design https://linktr.ee/neoaarni 

Teemu Nokkanen - Code/Design https://teemunokkanen99.wixsite.com/teemunokkanen

Cecil Opai - Music https://www.instagram.com/cecilopia/ and https://open.spotify.com/artist/6gDK3tImweSZYhav1QdaYn?si=8iA1uO_QQ5y_Ur7__0YT0w

Alios - Sound Effects


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Funky environment where you become a pretty flower. Do play with a friend to get the most out of it.

Lovely Flowers, Pretty Colors!